I was approached by Tribe's Creative Director Martin Homent* to brainstorm the initial creative stages, source the right photographer and pull together the creative team.
The whole campaign came together seamlessly. Unbeknownst to Martin, I'd been chatting to Jonathan Knowles about shooting more face paint projects, after the success of our 'Kissed by a Superhero' project. So he was the perfect choice.
It was a pure joy to work on especially once I had favourites Aly Hazlewood (Make Up) & Jack Flynn (Videographer) on board. This project really felt like creative matchmaking & collaborating at it's best. With every team member adding their skills & own unique creative input.
Creative collaboration is one of the things I love most about my job and why me and Marc started Creative Advice Network.
The campaign has already been receiving a great reception, so hopefully you like it too. You can see the whole series here <==
*He knows I have good taste, I'm marrying him after all.