Wednesday, 30 November 2011

I'm Back from the USofA

Tequila, the perfect start to any holiday

So holidays huh!
Forgotten what those were like.
Especially the sort where you're so far in another timezone you get to turn off your IPhone. Bliss!

I've just spent the last 10days in Kansas & Oklahoma enjoying fun times with my Aunt, Uncle, Cousins, Cousins-in-Law and 2nd Cousins. Oh and an awesome half 2nd Cousin too.
Each one of them made me feel so welcome, and given that we all grew up thousands of miles from each other I've been amazed by how quickly we all clicked. I miss them all already :(

Here's a little photo snippet of some of the things I got up to. . .

Wichita Thunders

Sculpture at Cowboy Hall of Fame
Buffalo in a hat

American boozes


Cousin Julie & Connor

Thursday, 17 November 2011

Take a Breath & Enjoy

Beautiful shots from Tom Need
Some days I find them calming, other days goosebump enducing. 

What do you feel?

Friday, 11 November 2011

The A-Z of Advertising

Ever wondered what a Honey Wagon was? Or whether to be flattered or appalled when invited to a 'Tissue Meeting'?
Well wonder no more because in this new feature I will strive to explain some of the lingo* used by advertising folk. Be it phrases used agency side or things you're likely to hear on set, this A-Z of Advertising is here to help make sense of it all.

So without further ado, A is for . . .  AdLand.

AdLand is an animation everyone needs to have seen. It's also the best description of the sprawling global work place advertising people reside in. 
It can correctly be used in sentences thus "Dave Trott is the Aesop of Ad Land".
*please note 'lingo' has not been used regularly since the 1980's.

is also for . . .  AdLand Suit.
He's a sweary genius called Dan, who tweets more than he blogs now, and is a partner at Creature London. Do go back through and read his entire blog archive, for there is much to be learnt from it. And you really should find him on Twitter. He's most likely on a list somewhere of the top ten AdLand bods to follow. He must be, he's been in Campaign enough times.

Next week B is for Ballpark.

Tuesday, 8 November 2011

By Royal Appt - Sarah Dunn

My second By Royal Appt goes to the rather fabulous Sarah Dunn.

Sarah and I found each other through a mutual friend and met up for a rather good natter. I fell in love with her work instantly, how could you not?

Thing is I'm not normally knocked over by 'celebrity' portraiture. For me I find it either falling into the 'little bit too editorial' or 'little bit too glossy' territory.
Two things you could never accuse Sarah of though; because inside the cover of her portfolio you'll find a softness, a warmth and genuinely relaxed captured moment with each and every one of her sitters.

But then Sarah was once Harry Borden's assistant and she had the good sense to marry a chap from Blackpool College. (Can't go wrong in my books) So the pedigree is there and in my opinion she's surpassed it.

You can see more of Sarah's work on her website here. You'll find her extensive Potter Portfolio, goosebump inducing Potter video , a few Hobbits and a lot more besides. Enjoy!