There's me in the purple jumper |
Last year I had the pleasure to lend
Brand Perfect my creative brain for a few of their events.
If you've not heard of
Brand Perfect, well they're a kind of wonderful creative think tank of an organisation. They work with organisations and individuals, looking at how brands are developing, how they could be developing and offer thoughts and magic creative solutions across sectors.
Currently they're braving the weather in NYC and running an Adventures in Publishing event.
Wish I was there really. Especially if it's anything like the event we had at the
British Library, where 20 folks, including myself, were called upon to ponder a challenge set to us by BL; "how to get the library's 'Silent Network' to engage with each other."
It was great to be workshopping ideas alongside Creative Directors, Typographers, App Developers and the like. Throughly inspiring and energising really. And I think we came up with some great ideas.
Now it's over to the BL to pick them up.
You can read what the British Library thought of us
here <= and what Brand Perfect thought
here <=